Day: October 13, 2019

Sunday 13th October

Today we pick up the sapphire coast highway a pretty route, we are surrounded by wild life as we weave our way through national parks. It’s still hilly and today was a day for walking one or two of them.

We are on are way to Merimbula to stay with are warm showers host Shayne and Kate.

There home is on top of a hill but offers fantastic views across the ocean and onto distant mountains. We arrived early afternoon so they took us for a car tour around the town. It’s a holiday destination town with safe swimming beaches, cinema,restaurants,museum and aquarium to list a few. It used to be a whaling town but now is a good place to watch as they migrate passed

The evening meal was delicious and beer and wine was also on offer. Another great experience using warm showers. So far we have had really positive experience using it. We have met so many interesting people that we wouldn’t normally meet and it’s a good insight into people’s lives.

Saturday 12th October

The weather has cheered up today. So after a hearty breakfast provided by sandy our host we set off with sandy leading the way. She road with us for about 5k before stopping to take our pictures and to point us in the right direction we then said our goodbyes.

It’s funny you go into strangers homes in the evening and by the next day you have become friends. We love staying with sandy she was brilliant and her self designed self built house was one of the best that we have stayed in.

Yet more challenging hills today as we made our way along the coast the sea side town of Tathra.

Getting glimpses of sandy beaches along Route.

Tathra has a historic wharf sitting at the southern end of its beach built in 1862 to load cargo onto ships it was last used in 1956 for this purpose but used now by fishing.

We pitch up camp next to a beach and head into town for a beer and chips.

Friday 11th October

It rained all night and our poor tent got soaked and started to leak. It wasn’t a very good start to the day. After our breakfast of instant oats, bananas, hunny washed down with a cup of tea. We started off in the rain to tackle yet more hills.

A tough day another 30 miles completed but over 2000ft of climbing. I must be getting stronger surely!

We turned off the princess highway and followed tourist route 9 past mystery bay named because in 1880 a entire ships crew disappeared with out a trace after setting out from Bermagui, their empty boat washed up into the bay.

Lunch stop was in a cafe in a local brewery they did a lovely lentil burger and we needed a rest and shelter from the rain.

Tonight we are staying with a warm showers host. We have a lovely private room with our own en-suit and she is a brilliant host. We had a tasty home cooked meal with good conversation spending a relaxing evening with her.