Tag Archives: Margaret River

17th-30th November

After a few days staying at Jeff’s we headed off to explore the coast heading south. Jeff very kindly lent us his landy and some camping table and chairs. Road trip time.

We followed the old coast road to Busselton where we spent a couple of days just relaxing, looking around the pretty seaside town and walking the jetty. The jetty is a very long one a nice spot to watch the sun set and see what the many fishermen catch. It’s also a great spot to watch the migrating whales.

After leaving Busselton we carried on south to Margaret River, we love it there a laid back town close to the sea and surrounded by vineyards. Our campsite was right on the river bank and we could walk into town following a river side trail. we stayed here for a week just going on walks and having day trips out. We visited a chocolate factory and tried out the free samples they were delicious. We visited a brewery I tried the free samples shame mike was driving I had to have his to!๐Ÿ˜ƒ

I also got to sample some local wine from a organic winery mike likes driving ๐Ÿ˜‡๐ŸทI’m only to glad to be the official taster. There’s also lots of caves open to public here one was called jewel cave so of course the Jewell’s had to go there

Add some friendly birds to feed,a river swim and a morning of kayaking we had a great time before heading back up to Jeff ‘s.