Tag Archives: McLean

Wednesday 3rd July

We actually got our asses out of bed nice and early.

It’s nice cycling in first light a lovely time of day. A long ride to do today as we have decided to be in Amarillo tomorrow for the Fourth of July celebrations.

Not much in between stops again. A old cottage style gas station in McLean.

Long empty roads.

We 55 miles into Groom where there is a big cross that we’ve been told that if we go to the visitors centre there and ask nicely we will be able to camp there. So currently in a Dairy Queen a mile away. Food and internet to pass some time as we don’t want to put a tent up under the cross whilst people are still visiting it.

Thursday 6th June

After a early night and a lie in I felt much better. I’m not sure weather it was the heat or being over 50, but I have to say I was rough. I had a headache and was shaking into the early hours but managed to get some sleep. Apologies to Noha and Julian if I disturbed them in the night with my constant loo trips. When your in someone else’s house it’s difficult to know weather to flush the toilet in the middle of the night!

Anyway I had a little lie in and 8 :00 am Noha and Julian returned from a early morning cycle ride. They had done 25 miles before I even got out of bed! They are in training for a cycle tour of Germany on a tandem in a couple of weeks.

We joined them for breakfast, I had fruit and yogurt delicious and said our good byes.

After yesterday we had decided to have a easy day today only 30 miles to a campsite. I nice easy flat ride still following Route 66 lots of down hills to. Bonus.

The 1st tourist attraction funks grove a maple sirup farm yes they spell it with a I. The lady in the shop was lovely, she could see how hot we were so gave us each a bottle of ice cold water. The sirup was delicious so brought a small bottle for the road.

The next attraction on the road was in a small town called Atlanta were they had a giant man holding a hotdog statue. Apparently there are 4 giants on Route 66 he was called Paul Bunyan statue. Number two ticked off.

Next stop Lincoln this is the last for today. There is a campsite here 30 miles done and it’s hot. Lincoln’s attractions are a phone both on top of the town hall, apparently it was blown up there in a tornado back in the 50’s and they left it there, not sure how true that is but a good story. Google says a different story but who am I to argue with the local that told the story.

Lincoln also has a giant statue of abe Lincoln in a wagon. Lincoln is the only town that was named after him whilst he was still alive. The statue boasts to be the biggest of a covered wagon.