Tag Archives: narooma

Thursday 10th October

Back on the princess highway following the coast up and down rather challenging hills one after the other, just as you conquer one there’s only bloody another one. At lest for the second day running I didn’t have to walk.

We passed over a bridge into narooma and could see a oyster farm, there was a truck the other side of the bridge selling them fresh. Neither mike or myself fancied trying them

We’re keeping the daily miles down at the moment, trying to ease back into the saddle and are moods are slowly lifting. We may not cycle all the way to Perth but take one day at a time. Just enjoy the moment and stop putting pressure unnecessarily on ourselves.

We’re passing through a town with a cheese factory so take the opportunity to use there visitors centre cafe for a cheese toastie made with smoked cheese very nice.

Our campsite is located in narooma established 1881 on the mouth of wagonga inlet. We have a good spot over looking the water and have some very loud parrots for company.