Tag Archives: orbost

Saturday 19th October

3rd night in a row staying in motels. We seem to be in the middle of nowhere. We have had no mobile service and no WiFi. There’s been hardly any house’s, no shops or petrol stations for miles. I really didn’t expect this for the south of Australia especially so close to the coast.

So today we are headed to a town called Orbost. I’m really not expecting much, but the map says it has all facilities and a campsite. It’s also the start of a rail trail that will get us off the highway for a bit.

9am on the road, the motel owner is keen to get rid of us early as it’s up for sale and we believe that someone is viewing it today. $400 k just less than £200k it has lots of land and owners home not bad. I’m sure I could run a little campsite here and 2 rooms easy!

We have to do 10 miles before we find some where for breakfast it’s funny you don’t get a breakfast in motels just room only and we have run out of porridge.

We find a cafe bosting home made pie. They must be good if we’re to believe the cat!

Tea and egg roll for me, we only have 15 more miles to go to Orbose the weather isn’t that great a bit cold and wet with a head wind against us. At least the hills are good nice long climbs and fast dissents a good day. We make town 12:30pm. Just as I feared not much here. A small store so we can buy tonight’s meal and tomorrow’s breakfast. A row of shops however all closed, we find that a lot in small towns over here they don’t open at weekends. And a tourist information centre which is in a old house built in 1872.

We pitch up the tent, shower and change and at last we can wash our smelly cycle clothes there’s a laundry room 😊 better still we have WiFi and phone service this town knows how to spoil us!

It’s a cold night so we have to rap up warm in our little tent, there is no camp kitchen to sit in but you can’t have everything.