Tag Archives: seventeen seventy

Tuesday 13th August

Tea and cereal breakfast to follow a lovely nights sleep, unfortunately today we have to say our good byes. It’s been lovely staying here Anne and John our lovely. They are going to England for a visit in October and our planning to meet up with dad,hopefully they can report back all good about meeting mike and I!.goodbyes over we head north to seventeen seventy the place where captain cook first landed. So another beach walk and tea stop.

Tonight we are lucky enough to have another nights accommodation provided by instagram friends. Tracy and Stephen the internet is brilliant complete strangers offering places to stay for free. We’ve been instagram friends over a year following their cycle tours with their dog rocket. It’s great to meet up with them.

We had a brilliant evening chatting about cycle touring and traveling with a dog. both mike and I would dearly love a dog so we had lots of questions. Wine and home cooked food went down to well and the night was finished off for me with a face mask as Tracy is a beauty therapist.