28th February 2020

Well we are fast approaching the time that we decided to get back on our bikes and continue with our adventure but things have changed.

We arrived back in the uk in December with the intention of spending Christmas with friends and family, wait for the weather to start to warm up and days to get longer and off we go. In the mean time we have been staying at mikes parents and also house sitting for people on holiday.

We have loved our experience of looking after peoples houses and pets the last sit was in the midlands looking after 3 dogs.

So why have our plans changed? The media is full of coronavirus hype and part of our travel plans would be going into affected areas, not a good idea as I’m writing this the news are reporting more travel restrictions being put into place. It’s simply not worth it and I guess our travel insurance probably wouldn’t cover it.

What next then. More house sits our lodgers are happy in our house it makes sense to keep them so we will be ready and able to continue with the adventure early spring next year.

We can spend this year saving and exploring this beautiful country that we live in.

We have been offered sits all over England and Scotland it’s a great way of living cheaply and trying out new areas to live. We will spend our time cycling and going to the gym to try to keep up a reasonable amount of fitness.

And between sits Going on mini tours and working casual jobs the adventure hasn’t ended

Safe travels

Mike and nikkey

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