Tag Archives: Sky city

Friday 12th July

Only 26 miles to do today so we were really lazy and made the most of our most expensive hotel to date. Nice easy morning, sleeping in to 9am, breakfast opposite in the travel centre and then check out 10.45 am.

It’s a hot one but we only have to do 15 miles to the 1st refreshments stop. Air conditioned and cold drinks.

Passed this sign unfortunately the trading post was all boarded up. Another casualty of the interstate, all that was left in town was its post office.

On Route we had only been cycling for 45 minutes when a car coming in the opposite direction pulled over and the driver got out waving two bottles of cold water. He and his family are traveling Route 66 in the opposite direction, he was traveling with his wife and 2 grown up children both with different disability’s. Chatted for a while drinking our cold water when a camper van pulled up to join us.

It was run away bill. We’ve been seeing his stickers pretty much every where we have been. Bill has been traveling America solo in his camper for years. It was lovely to meet him.

We are now in a KOA in a Town called Grants a old mining town, it even has a mine open for visitors, nice to see some small towns are still surviving.

Thursday 11th July

Pushed some miles out today after our easy couple of days.

We left before 1st light, neither of us slept very well last night so it felt good to get some fresh air.

We were treated to some stunning scenery and even though the day started with a long climb it was a fairly easy ride. As were finding out a lot there’s long sections of not a lot in between.

After 55 miles of winding through the countryside we arrived to where our map had a campsite marked to find a car park beside a casino. This is where we are supposed to be sleeping. No tent space, no showers and no toilet great.

We talked to a couple of security guards at the casino. They were great guys and said we could use the casinos toilet and restaurant if we decided to stay. Call me spoiled but I looked around and didn’t feel comfortable or safe staying there after the casino closed and security went home.

Seth and Chris said they didn’t blame me and pointed us in the direction of the nearest hotel 6 miles on. Decision made what’s 6 more miles. The hotel is more expensive than we should be paying but at lest it’s clean and comfortable and safe. 6 less miles to do tomorrow so we even get a lay in.