Tag Archives: flagstaff

Sunday 21st July

Leaving flagstaff nice and early we were treated to cool clean mountain air. Such a treat after the hot dry desert air.

Even though most of the day was on the i40 it was still one of the better days, the shoulder was really wide and being a Sunday it wasn’t that busy. Cool air, long down hills, pine forest and mountain views lead us in to Williams all before 11am.we think that we now have hit our highest elevation although we have a few more mountain passes to tackle. We’ve been following pink arrows on the floor for weeks and today we were treated to one motivating us. I so hope it’s true.

A nice relaxing afternoon watching the world go by with a local beer in my hand in a 50’s themed restaurant.

And in the evening we were treated to a street show that they put on for tourist every night. Where at least one cowboy gets shot.

All in all a good day.

Saturday 20th July

Yesterday we arrived at the home of Julie, a lady we had never met but who’s parents very kindly offered us her granny annex to stay. We felt odd letting ourselves in but she was away hiking with her family and wouldn’t be home till later.

We had a lovely comfortable night so peaceful and with out the normal worries about wild life you have when camping. In the morning not to early we went around to introduce ourselves and thank her for our stay. Julie was as lovely as her parents. It wasn’t a problem at all the annex is currently unused she’s in the middle of setting it up as a air b&b it’s perfect.

We stayed another night so as we can have today off exploring flagstaff it’s only 2 miles from the old town full of shops and bars. Flagstaff is a lovely mountain town close to Grand Canyon worth a visit if you’re ever this way. And I can recommend a air b&b!

Friday 19th July

After sleeping about 20hours we made it on the road. 6am breakfast, Mike asked me if I needed another day of rest bless him. He’s not the most patient of people so just hanging around yesterday whilst I slept must of drove him made. I reassured him I was fine and ready to go.

The 1st problem of the day. We wheeled our bikes out of the room into the motel car park and my back wheel was flat. Before we could go anywhere we had to change the inner tube.

Repair done we head to the nearest convenience store to stock up on water and high energy snacks only .5 miles away and got puncture number 2 of the day. Mikes front tire now. It’s going to be one of those days. I go into the store leaving mike to do the repair, that’s all our spare inner tubes used now, we’ve kept them and patched them for emergencies.

Right let’s get going only 20 miles planned today. Heading for a RV park next to the best preserved meteorite impact site. It’s supposed to have spectacular night skies and the visitor centre has a expedition on celebrating the 50th anniversary of the moon landing this weekend.

Like I said it’s going to be one of those days, we had to pass road works. Always hard work. We made it to the visitor centre and pulled over. Mike asked how was I feeling, fine why? He had a problem with his bike and as it was still early and flagstaff is only 40 miles away would I be ok to push on, he needed to find a bike shop.

So that’s what we did, we made it to a bike shop. They fixed the bottom bracket bearing what ever that meant. We brought more replacement inner tubes better safe than sorry.

We are now in flagstaff staying at Richard and Linda’s daughters house. Julie was out when we arrived but she text us how to get in, it’s a lovely place we’ve made ourselves at home and look forward to meeting her.

We are in the granny annex a self contained flat all to ourselves cool.