Month: May 2019

Thursday 30th May

The day started with a rain storm. We packed the tent as quick as we could. As always we look for a breakfast stop. 5 miles in we find a diner so our normal omelette and home fries were in order.

It brightened up with in the hour and left a nice warm sunny day, hopefully the storms are over. It’s getting warmer as the days go on. Starting to feel like summer at last.

Not much happened today, the roads are busier the closer we get to Chicago. We have about 80 miles to do then we should be there. Hopefully Saturday.

After 50 easy miles we rolled in to a campsite. $40 and it’s a bit of a dump the showers are disgusting. Motels are definitely better value. We will definitely book one tomorrow night!

Wednesday 29th May

Good weather and nice easy going roads made our 50 miles total today easy.

We passed through a Amish town and got passed by lots of horse and buggies. It’s quite something hearing a horse behind you getting closer and closer, fortunately they passed us giving plenty of space.

We came to a large flea market and decided to look around. It was full of the usual trash and trinkets and a mixture of old and new. And a mixture of handmade goods. worth some time off the bikes for a look around, but not being able to carry anything extra/large we didn’t stay long. 15 more miles to go we pushed on to the campsite.

The campsite was a mosquito ridden swamp but the showers were clean and we managed to find a dry spot to put the tent up. Just got eaten alive!

Tuesday 28th May

After a very poor breakfast in the motel, stale bran flakes and long life orange juice. We set out. We had a warm showers host for the night 35 miles away. It was windy and dry yes the wind was against us. I know we’re going the wrong way!

We had another state line crossing we are now in Indiana although there was no sign to inform us.

It was a struggle today hills and heat and a head wind but we rolled into meet our host at the bike shop that he owned at 3:30pm not a bad time.

We introduced ourselves to Joe our host and as he had a bike shop we brought some bits that we need. Chain oil and as I was still having problems with my saddle moving a new seat post for my bike. Hopefully I will be more comfortable from now on.

Joe and his wife didn’t finish work till 5 but very trustingly let us go to their house 3 doors down and make ourselves comfortable. So we used their washing machine with permission and relaxed watching TV drinking a beer Joe gave us until they come home.

In the evening they took us out for a meal in the local restaurant it turned out that they owned that too, they also have a yoga studio, Libby his wife is a instructor she invited us to do a class, we declined. And a boutique shop that Libby ran with her mum. Joe is also running for Mayor and competes in Ironman competitions I don’t know where they get the time and energy. Busy life’s and we’re grateful that they can find the time to host. We had a lovely room and the bed had a remote control mattress to change it’s firmness. Luxurious.

After a lovely meal and evening we bid them goodnight. When we asked what time we needed to be out by, they said no hurry. They were going early and to help our selves to breakfast and let ourselves out. People are really trusting over here so far.

Monday 27th May

We both slept well despite storms all night. The pavilion kept us dry and sheltered.

Back on track to stick to 40 miles a day. We check google maps for tonight’s destination and there’s a town called Brian in the right direction and miles. We look to see if there’s a campsite there is but it’s $40. A bit stiff but we need a shower!

We go on and find a motel in town for $44. We book it.

Again good weather, flat roads easy going. The easiest so far just over the 40 miles we roll into the motel 2:30 pm. A nice relaxing end to a good day.

Sunday 26th May

Wake up in our motel room to a drizzly day, the temperature is cooler after the storm but not cold. We need to get going despite the rain as we have yesterday’s mileage to make up today.

The roads are good and it soon brightened up it’s easy going.

We had empty roads and good weather so managed to do 55 miles easy. We camped in a RV camp for free under a pavilion with the owners permission. We had no shower facilities and the toilet was a portaloo. It did us we carry baby wipes!

Saturday 25th May

A really hot windy day today. Both mike and I were struggling. At one point I could only muster up a feeble 2 miles a hour. And then we met this cool old boy, he was in his front garden when we cycled buy. He asked us where we were headed and we told him about our trip. He commented on the heat and wind and offered us to come into his house for a cold drink.

We gratefully excepted and followed him into his kitchen. Over a cold 7up we chatted.

His name was shortly. He was a ex serviceman and truck driver his wife had passed away 7 years ago we could of talked to him all day but had to go.

It was getting hotter uncomfortably hot so after 5 or so more miles we stopped in a petrol station for more cold drinks and something to eat. The weather broke while we were there. A massive storm thunder,rain and lightning . we stayed in the garage until the rain subsided then made a move, we still had about 20 miles to do.

Carrying on the weather wasn’t improving a car pulled up next to me to warn me of more storms headed our way and we had better take cover. We both had had enough for the day 15 miles short but decided to book into the nearest motel.

What a place, it hadn’t been updated since the 50’s it had metal furniture A matching dressing table, chair and bedside cabinet. Made me think if it was cleaned up it would sell well in England. Cool but grubby.

We head out to find somewhere to eat and go to a big boy great value for money so will definitely use them again.

Back to our motel for the night. Hopefully tomorrow will be better. Today has been the toughest yet!

Friday 24th May

The day started off promising. We had a good breakfast and the weather was warm with no wind. Any doubts that we had yesterday about completing our journey melted away into the landscape. The roads were wide and the hills gentle yes life is good.

We’ve been following the coast of Lake Erie for days now and today we finally turned away from it into a flat rural landscape.

We had a small scattering of rain but managed to shelter under a tree then it brightened up ready for us to cycle to our campsite tonight. 43 nice easy miles completed. Now for food and a good nights sleep.

Thursday 23rd May

We had a comfortable nights sleep in the motel, and managed to get the washing done in their launderette. Food was basic from the nearby petrol station but that was fine.

Time to pack up and go. Opened the front door to a storm, thunder lightning and rain great! It was early so we decided to wait it out.

The good thing about motels is that they have television, settled back down and watched Good morning Vietnam.

Right film finished and the sun is out off we go. Our breakfast break was 5 miles in and yes we had omelette and home fries no need to change.

We followed our cycle route on the map to get through Cleveland it’s a big busy city but the map took us through parks and quiet roads. Past the rock and roll hall of fame and mostly following the coast.

We had a warm showers host for tonight 40 miles today. It turned out to be a hot day with the wind against us again but we made it. Our host is welcoming and our room is lovely.

We spend a pleasant evening talking to Scott our host and his family. And ate a tasty meal that they cooked for us.

In the morning Scott leaves early for work before we get up, but his wife cooked us a breakfast and wished us a safe journey.

Wednesday 22nd May

Not a very exciting day today. We got up, packed away camp and went for a bike ride.

We did roughly 5 miles before a breakfast break in a Arby’s. They made me a salad sandwich with a garlic dressing.

Mike took the opportunity to study the maps, we needed to do about 40 miles. We had contacted a few warm showers host for tonight, as we are in a town with nowhere safe to camp. No one could help. So in Arby’s we booked a motel 6 in a place called Willoughby. today’s total is 43miles.

Tomorrow we have a host so hopefully will stay there.

Tuesday 21st May

The campsite had a pizza restaurant and American themed 50’s diner on site. We opted for the pizza as the diner was just burgers and chips. Mike and I shared the pizza but it was huge so we took out a doggy bag. We drifted off to sleep listening to the waves gently lapping and both slept well.

Breakfast, leftover pizza and take away coffee from the diner that’ll keep the cost down today. We had a late start as we had some phone calls home to make. and my saddle had moved causing pain and discomfort in my lady bits! So that needed attention!

Off we set we have a warm showers host tonight so 50 miles to do. The wind had subsided and the sun was out. We had good cloud cover so a lovely day for a cycle ride.

It was good going and the countryside is pretty, passing through vineyards, orchards and open fields. Always with Lake Erie on our right. We met a fellow cycle tourer going the opposite way. Funny everyone tells us we’re going the wrong way! Her name was Linda, she was from Canada and cycling Chicago to Niagara then on to Quebec. She was also struggling to find decent accommodation and has had to stay in hotels in places. Extra expensive for her because of the exchange rate. A quick coke break in a McDonald’s to check google maps. Then off again

We also had another state crossing we are now in Ohio. They have major road works going on so rough surfaces

We make it to our overnight stop. We are staying on someone’s deck we have a Lake view and running water. There’s a park close with a loo for the morning and bars and restaurants near for food tonight. Not much is open it’s a real seasonal town apparently everything opens tomorrow. It’s a long weekend this week end Memorial Day celebrations. That seems to be the start of the summer over here.